Sunday 9 October 2011

Covered in Paint

As you will hopefully have gathered by now, I am trying to use craft to help me prepare for my wedding (date still to be set) and this should be threefold; to make & sell bits for funds, to make as many of the details as I can for the big day and to save a few pennies by making most gifts that I will be sending for Christmas and birthdays etc.

In the past few weeks these three purposes have sort of overlapped. What started as a decorative idea for the wedding has evolved into a possible idea for things for me to make and also in a slightly different form to be the Christmas gifts for some of my friends' children

What is this new idea?
It is painted wooden letters; I purchased some as an example to show Ed of what I was thinking for the wedding, but after a bit of time I have realised that the idea, or at least the size of the letters, isn't quite going to work.
So I have started to paint them up for children's wall art, and I have also started a variation of this idea to be given as gifts this Christmas.
A selection of the painted letters in various stages of development. Butterfly K and a Pirate Island S
As the letters are completed I will be adding photos to my Facebook page Godiva Crafts and all my handmade Christmas gifts will be added in January so no surprises are spoiled.

I have also been busy painting more boxes, in fact I have painted so many that I now need to go to buy some more as I have run out. I have started playing around with some animal ideas.
Latest box designs: 3D butterfly, snowflakes on Gold with jewel accents, bear/lion, spiral of butterflies & my favorite, the ladybird (both lid & bottom with leaf design & gold gem flowers)

Stay tuned in over the next few weeks to share in my Christmas excitement and to see more of my box designs, including a penguin

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